So, how do we turn “bad luck” into “opportunity” and how do we recognise and seize “good
luck” when it happens. Here are the top 10 ways to increase your “luck”:
1) Be a believer. There are heaps of opportunities in life. We need to be abundant thinkers
who always believe that there are amazing opportunities to leverage. A negative person
generally is a scarce thinker, believing that all the best opportunities in the world have been
taken. The theory called the Pygmalion Effect states that you get what you expect. Most
“lucky”' people expect the best, confident that their future is going to be great. Somehow,
these expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies. Ask around and you'll find that “lucky”
and “unlucky” people have astoundingly different expectations.
2) Be action-biased. Inaction is the surest path to failure. If you keep trying, you will
ultimately succeed and luck will be on your side. Don't procrastinate. Don't be afraid to fail.
3) Make the most of unplanned events. The unexpected constantly bombards us. Learn to
love spontaneity and enjoy it. New opportunities may unfold when we least expect it.
4) Be aware. Always ask questions and explore your surroundings. Lucky people are aware
of what is happening around them and are continuously searching for opportunities.
5) Don't be afraid to say yes. In the movie “Yes Man”, Jim Carrey was made to say “yes” to
everything. He ended up being “lucky” by unearthing new opportunities and even met the
woman of his dreams. So, say “yes” more times than you do “no”.
6) Never eat alone. Building and maintaining a strong social network, including good
relationships with other people is critical to success. If you love people, and love being with
people, new opportunities will always appear. People provide support in times of trouble, act
as resources when you need information, and most importantly, they can bring you “luck” by
their valuable connections to social networks. So, make sure you limit your eating alone to
one meal a day. After all in Asia, food places are where most relationships are built.
7) Overcome self-sabotage. Our greatest enemy is ourselves. Don't beat up yourself with
negativity and destructive self-talk. Stop using words like “I can't” before even trying.
8) Be curious and don't be afraid to ask. Take risks and ask. Curiosity doesn't kill the cat. It
opens up new opportunities. Travel, try new things and don't stay in your comfort zone. Your
ROL magnifies when you identify these lucky breaks and leverage them.
9) Help others and ask for help. I have learn that the more I give of myself to others, the
luckier I am. The more I give, the more blessings I receive. But don't be afraid to ask for help
too. Lucky people ask for help and they reciprocate when others need help.
10) Pray often and do good always. Many people turn to a greater power to help them
increase their luck. Some say a prayer before they start their day for the strength and the
positive attitude they need to not give up. And do good always. As Idris reiterated to me,
when you do good often, good will befall you. Karma has a way of rewarding do-gooders.