Composure, poise, and presence: Champions maintain balance under the most extreme adversity. They do not panic. They are able to focus,
stay relaxed and continue to walk the walk. They stay positive and act confidently to handle stress.
Self-confidence: Champions believe in their capabilities and know what they can do. They maintain this sense of self even under pressure or
when things are not going well. They remind themselves they have succeeded in tougher times than these.
Eternal hope: Champions fight to the end. They never give up. They continually seek ways to win and experiment with tactics to turn things
around in their favour. They truly believe that there is a way to win and they just have to discover it.
Pacing skills: Champions know when to take a break and relax. They know how to control the clock so they can rest. They know that working
non-stop leads to burn-out. They have the experience to know when to cruise and when to turn it on.
Control factor awareness: Champions know what they can control, what they can only influence and what is out of their control. They focus
only on those things within their control or influence and let go of the rest.
The ability to learn: Champions absorb experience very rapidly. They learn from every outing, good or bad. They seek feedback from others
and consider all sides to infuse new techniques and methods into their play. They see what needs to be done to improve and win.
Coachability: Champions are coachable. They seek help from those who are more experienced. They form collaborative partnership with
those who can help them. They appreciate the art and science of coaching and make it an integral part of their training programme.
A strong work ethic: Champions know that hard work leads to confidence and the belief that they deserve to win because they have paid
their dues.
Commitment: Champions dream big, and they make pact with themselves to reach those goals. They stay on track in spite of setbacks. They
continually remind themselves of their goals and readjust those goals as they are met. They make a commitment to train hard and follow
through, no matter what.
Champions give their best in everything they do.
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