Monday, April 30, 2012

I always meant to Bob Perks

As I've mentioned before, one of the the most inspirational persons around is Bob Perks. It's stories like this which make me live life with no regrets. Today is my last day in the retail industry and I'll never look back again.

What if you came to the end of your life and suddenly things came rushing in on you. 

Like things you should have said, places you wanted to go but never did.

Don't let it happen.

I mean if you are putting things off until later, tomorrow, next week, next month or when your retire, you might not ever get there.

I hear from people with regrets almost daily. 

They share with methe things they always wanted to do but didn't.

I get notes from people in love, out of love or never having loved at all and they want to find the perfect love they dreamed of all their life.

"What is my purpose?  What is God's plan for me?"

Okay, I'll say it. 

God really doesn't have a plan for you.

I mean he doesn't have a perfect mate hidden somewhere in the world and you have to find them. 
Like "Where's Waldo?"

He doesn't have the perfect job for you or the exact house, city, state or country for you to live in.

When we think "God's Plan" we think that there is a blueprint with step by step instructions on how to get there. 

It's got your name on it and this is what you will be when you grow up.

Stop beating yourself up because you don't know His will for you.

God's"plan" for you isn't written in stone.  It is, however,written in a book.

God has guidelines, standards and expectations and wants you to live within those principles.

There are people who are spending their entire life trying to discover the plan God has for them.

YOU are the plan.

You know the rules. 

Live within those standards and meet other people who are living within those standards and you might find more than friends.

You might find someone to love and someone who will love you in return. 

You will be of like mind and spirit.

Find a place to live that pleases you.

A place where "home" is spelled "P e a c e." 

God created an entire world for you to choose from.

Find a job that gives to you as much as you give to it. 

A job, no matter how menial or superior in the eyes of the world, that makes you feel good about yourself. 

God gave you gifts and talents to use within the labor you choose or within the time you share with others.

I can't say that this is absolute.  I can't even tell you that I read it somewhere and it's true.

I would struggle even to find mention of it in the Bible.  Still, here it is...

I think sometimes the reason we can't move ahead in life is simply that we haven't learned anything from our mistakes.

It's like the plumbing is blocked in the sink and we continue to add more water to it. 

As we stand there watching it overflow onto the floor we blame the sink, we blame the water company, or we might even blame Godfor giving us too much water.

We were the ones who blocked the sink.  The things we did while using it, the stuff we poured into the sink caused it to block.

There we stand one day with all the water we can use and nowhere to put it
God's "plan" for you is simply that you live and do so in gratitude for the gift of life He has given you.  He loves you and you love Him.

Live within the standards of your faith and doing so will bring you joy and love in abundance.

If you feel stagnated and you cannot move, examine closely the choices you have made and make amends for the wrongs you have done to the extent that you can.

Correct the course or direction your life is headed and you will once again experience the freedom afforded those who not only live their life but choose to live it God's way.

I don't want to come to the end of my journey and discover a list of things I meant to do. 
I don't want to make excuses to God by saying"I always meant to right...the wrongs.

"I wish you enough!"
Bob Perks

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