Eventually orthodoxy gets criticised.
It is harder to play an unorthodox bowler. It is harder to argue with someone coming from an unorthodox position. So unorthodoxy seems like a good thing.
Eventually orthodoxy falls into disrepute, is accused of being stale or irrelevant. And sometimes some of that is true.
But often it is simply the swing of the pendulum that is forcing you to think the other way is better. The grass is greener and all that.
People who fall victim to the swing of the pendulum are victims of a force of nature (momentum) just as much as people who hang on to orthodoxy are victim of a force of nature – inertia.
The lure of unorthodoxy is its shiny new-ness; because human beings are intrepid explorers and we all suffer to some extent from neophilia. And in the new-ness you will find innovation and improvement.
But in tradition and orthodoxy, you find stability and efficiency and comfort. It is also where you have proven results.
Consultants are by definition geared to suggest change and improvement because that is what feeds their families and without realising it, that perspective will always bias their thinking and their advice. How often does a consultant tell you to keep doing what you are doing?
Like with most things in live, it is about finding the balance... and there are no easy answers to that particular conundrum. The best I can offer is be aware of your own 'default setting' and make decisions accordingly.
It is harder to play an unorthodox bowler. It is harder to argue with someone coming from an unorthodox position. So unorthodoxy seems like a good thing.
Eventually orthodoxy falls into disrepute, is accused of being stale or irrelevant. And sometimes some of that is true.
But often it is simply the swing of the pendulum that is forcing you to think the other way is better. The grass is greener and all that.
People who fall victim to the swing of the pendulum are victims of a force of nature (momentum) just as much as people who hang on to orthodoxy are victim of a force of nature – inertia.
The lure of unorthodoxy is its shiny new-ness; because human beings are intrepid explorers and we all suffer to some extent from neophilia. And in the new-ness you will find innovation and improvement.
But in tradition and orthodoxy, you find stability and efficiency and comfort. It is also where you have proven results.
Consultants are by definition geared to suggest change and improvement because that is what feeds their families and without realising it, that perspective will always bias their thinking and their advice. How often does a consultant tell you to keep doing what you are doing?
Like with most things in live, it is about finding the balance... and there are no easy answers to that particular conundrum. The best I can offer is be aware of your own 'default setting' and make decisions accordingly.