Saturday, July 04, 2009

Recipe For Happiness Will Get Your Life Cooking

Must be all the pent up frustration.
I have to let it all out NOW!

Recipe For Happiness Will Get Your Life Cooking

Feel like you're simmering on the stove of life? Well we've cooked up the perfect recipe for you. The best part is thatall the ingredients for a good life are easily within reach.

You'll need...

1 part of knowing who you are
1 part of knowing who you aren't
1 part of knowing what you want
1 part of knowing who you wish to be
1 part of knowing what you already have before you
1 part of choosing wisely from what you have before you
1 part of loving and thanking for ALL you have ("bad" included)

Mixing Instructions:
Combine ingredients together gently and carefully. Using faith and vision, mix together with strong belief of the outcome,until finely blended. Use thoughts, words and actions for best results. Repeat.

Yields unlimited servings!


This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

So sorry Bobby. I posted the comment under a different account and so I deleted it just in case you do not know it's me :-).

The advice given here is beautiful, practical and concise - most appropriate for life's challenges.
