Friday, May 29, 2009

29 May 2009, Thought for the day

If you understand the quote below, then I challenge you to live it.

"Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, which once you got it you may be smart enough to see is what you would have wanted had you known."
-- Garrison Keillor

The above has been a favourite quote of mine for a long long time. When I found it floating online again, I felt it has to be shared because many people do not realise what they have but instead clamour foolishly for more.


Unknown said...

Dear Bobby,

True happiness lies in is when we look within and know what we have that we stop looking elsewhere and then we can live :-) in joy, happiness and love...

Love that quote! Thanks for sharing...


Tiger said...

Dear MWS,
You know my first name already, but it's alright that I don't know yours yet.
Perhaps that should remain as you still have some politically-charged posts at Unplugged.
Thanks for summarising the objective as content, for without contentment, one will never be happy.