Thursday, June 18, 2020

Dark lessons that life will show you

  1. From ages 7 to 17, it's all anticipation; from 17 to 27, it's all heartache and regret.
  2. The walls of a hospital have listened to more devotional prayers than a place of religion.
  3. I could have endured the darkness if I had never seen the sun.
  4. Not all wrongs can be forgiven, yet not all hurts can be healed, and there is always something that time can do nothing about it.
  5. An outlier is either a beast or a god.
  6. Not everyone who falls to their knees can get up right away, but at least they can try not to get down.
  7. What is so physiologically irrational about humans? People can have the sexual desire to the ones whom they don’t have emotionally attached to.
  8. Who you can forgive bottomlessly is someone who can hurt you bottomlessly.
  9. The scariest thing in the world is that people who are better than you work harder than you.
  10. Fortunate people are healed by childhood all the time, while unfortunate people are healing their childhood all the time.

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