Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ten top things that make a real man

Ever since my daughter Estelle was born, fatherhood has taken on an additional dimension of emotions I've never felt before. With the 2 boys, yes, it is fun and games. However, with a baby girl, you feel a different type of euphoria. So, here's how to be a real man:

10. Comes home directly from work knowing his "real" job is about to start.
9. Is not afraid to get down on hands and knees and play "horsie".
8. Kisses his children and shows them a man can be gentle.
7. Kisses his wife in front of his children so the children can be secure in the knowledge of a united home.
6. Hugs his family and says "I love you."
5. Is not afraid to cry.
4. Goes together with his family to a house of worship
3. Values the advice of his wife.
2. Starts each day with a "quiet time", talking to GOD.

And the number one thing:
1. Prays


Vinitor said...

Interesting position. Not common today, in light of so many fronts on which a man is fighting. _I_ appreciate your comments. I am gateful your blog was the Nextblog I found. Continue posting.

Tiger said...

Thanks, Vinitor!
We all have many fronts to fight on, but the most important thing is to choose your battles.